Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Brief History of Our Time in the House

The house was built in 1943, one of thousands in our neighborhood and the surrounding area that were built for the large numbers of people moving to Seattle to work for Boeing during the war. These houses really weren't meant to last as long as they have, but here we are! We haven't done anything structural to the house (yet), but we've made some changes and had a big landscaping project.

Here are the before pics:

Before, there was a grassy slope of a front lawn. The back yard has some huge pine trees, and we wanted a garden. This is the best spot, so we got to work terracing the front yard. We used recycled concrete chunks. It took a few months of scouring Craigslist and borrowing and renting trucks, but we finally had enough for the walls and to use as stepping stones.

Reminder: Call before you dig! We did, no worries.

The front area had a planter box on one side, and a triangular area on the other side. The first summer we grew tomatoes and collard greens in the triangle area. The second summer, we put in a matching planter box.

Living room.

Living room looking toward the front door: 

Yes, we do have a washer and dryer, thank goodness! But they're in the kitchen, right next to the fridge.

Bigger bedroom:

Doorway to the dining room and kitchen, living room closet, hallway to bedrooms and bathroom.

Dining room, kitchen to the right and back door.

Kitchen (was added-on in the 1960s)
 View out of the kitchen toward the living room doorway.
 Kitchen sink, awesome vintage cabinetry, and the dishwasher we put in ourselves!

Before we got married, I lived alone in the house. I used the little bedroom. Note the headshot of my then-fiance on the wall. Hee hee!

And the ever-important bathroom! Yes, that's how big it is.

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